Saturday 9 January 2016


After the success of Investor Partnership in Delhi and NCR region, 
The Royal Oak is now presenting Himalayan Blossom in Chandigarh, Patna, Lucknow and Jaipur.

Himalayan Blossom is a Hill Station town- centric 5-Star Resort with breathtaking surroundings and panoramic snow views; Himalayan Blossom is located in the town of Holiday Destination of Mukteshwar town. Mukteshwar, Distt. Nainital , is a priority A Segment tourist spot of Uttarakhand; Mostly visited by Elites and dignitories in large number.

Investor Partnership add for himalayan blossom in Lucknow

Investor Partnership add for himalayan blossom in Lucknow

Investor partnership plan for the 10th January 2015

If you want to know about the complete detail of investor partnership plan and please visit Investor partnership in Himalayan Blossom.